Waseca County's Historic Sites
Waseca County has thirteen places on the National Register of Historic Places. The National Register of Historic Places recognizes certain properties as significant to local, state and national history. With this honorary designation the federal government identifies properties as worthy of preservation. Sites are selected because of their association with historic events or people, or because of their architectural significance. To learn more about the National Register of Historic Places please visit the Minnesota Historical Society website, or the
National Register of Historic Places website.
W. J. Armstrong Company
Wholesale Grocers
202 S.W. 2nd Street, Waseca, MN Architecture: Industrial
Year Built: 1900
The W.J. Armstrong Building, also known as the Southern Minnesota Grocery Warehouse, is the best preserved example of a railroad dependent business in Waseca. Although trucks have superseded trains, this three-story structure functioned as a grocery warehouse into the 1990s. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. Preservation and renovation work was accomplished by Gene Miller after purchasing the building from the Isker family in November 1999. The building was one month from being torn down when Miller rescued it. The building was converted to corporate offices, a sports bar/restaurant and conference facility seating 96 people. Exterior brick was tuck-pointed and all windows were replaced. During the extensive renovation, Miller discovered that there are 700 columns and beams; 14,500 sq. ft. of maple floors; 92,500 bricks and a Kasota stone foundation. It is the only example of mill construction in southern Minnesota to support 200 pounds per square foot.
John W. Aughenbaugh Residence
also known as the Masonic Temple
831 N.E. 3rd Avenue, Waseca, MN
Architecture: 19th Century
Year Built: 1897
John W. Aughenbaugh was a master miller and partner in the Everett, Aughenbaugh & Co. Flour Mill, (E.A.Co. Mill) in Waseca. The yellow brick house, built in 1897, has a wrap-around veranda welcoming breezes from nearby Clear Lake. There is mahogany woodwork throughout the home. Original stenciling on the walls and ceilings are faded but still in evidence of an elegant era of Waseca's past. The third story ballroom was host to many parties. The Aughenbaughs are the only family to have lived in the house. In 1931, the home was purchased by the Waseca Masons to become the Waseca Masonic Temple. The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.
Philo C. Bailey House
401 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Waseca, MN
Architecture: Italianate
Year Built: 1868
Built in 1868, by Dayton Smith, an accused horse thief, it was acquired in 1872, by P.C. Bailey, a hardware merchant, county official and director of the first committee to build a school in Waseca. P.C. Bailey died in 1907, and the house was purchased by the Lewer family who owned it until 1991. In 1991, the Waseca County Historical Society acquired the house. The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1994.
Waseca County Courthouse
307 N. State Street, Waseca, MN Architecture: Richardsonian Romanesque Year Built: 1897
The County of Waseca was organized 27 February 1857. Wilton, St. Mary and Empire were county seat options. 12 October 1859, the county purchased a store building owned by Thos. L. Paige in Wilton to house the county affairs. Ten years later on 3 April 1869, the building was destroyed by fire. The county had temporary quarters in the Wagon Shop of Bernard Bundsehu in Wilton. 15 April 1869 the county purchased a building owned by John C. Hunter in Wilton. The town of Waseca was platted in 1867. February of 1870, a new brick courthouse was built in Waseca. The building was two stories, the lower floor housed four offices and the second floor held the court room. That building was removed from the grounds and in 1896-1897 a new courthouse was constructed of buff-colored brick with Kasota limestone highlights. In 1976, a two-story addition was attached to the north side of the original structure. The Courthouse was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.
Hofmann Apiaries
Janesville, MN
I.O.O.F. International Odd Fellows Hall
119 S. Broadway Avenue,
New Richland, MN
Architecture: Neo-Classical
Year Built: 1902
Strangers Refuge Lodge Number 74, Independent Order of Odd Fellows was an important social/fraternal organization in New Richland when the hall was constructed in 1902. The building was a convenient and flexible venue for other fraternal, social, and religious groups plus large gatherings for musical and theatrical performances, dance parties, motion picture shows, and school functions. From 1902 – 1918, the entire ground floor was used and referred to as the New Richland Opera House. In 1918, a variety store moved into the front part of the first floor and in 1924, a general store was opened on the first floor that in 1956 expanded into a building next door. The second floor of the hall continued to serve a variety of local groups until the Odd Fellows Lodge was dissolved in 1979. The building as added to the National Register of Historic Places in July of 2006. The New Richland Public Library moved into the building in 2013.
Seha Sorghum Mill
County Highway 5, Janesville, MN
Year Built: 1890s
Built in the late 1890s by Cornelius L. Seha, to process locally grown sorghum into syrup. The mill was operated by family members until the 1950s. It is the only known historical sorghum mill remaining in Minnesota. The mill's stationary steam engine is on its original base. The mill was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1979.
Vista Lutheran Church
County Road 20, Otisco Township
North of New Richland, off MN 13
Architecture: Gothic Revival
Year Built: 1908
This building replaced the original 1868 wooden structure built on the Mose Johnson Farm and is credited with being the structure that best embodies the Swedish heritage of Waseca County. The red brick and stone church exhibits various elements of the Gothic Revival style of architecture. The church was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.
Roscoe Percy Ward Residence
804 E. Elm Avenue, Waseca, MN
Architecture: Temple Style of Greek Revival
Year Built: 1896
Roscoe Percy Ward was a banker, farmer, alderman and city councilman in Waseca during the turn of the 20th century. In 1893, he was married to Daisy Cole of Minneapolis in 1893 and had a son, Emerson Ward. In 1896, Roscoe Percy Ward engaged architect and family friend, E. S. Stebbins to design his Elm Avenue residence. This 2 1/2 story, clapboard-sheathed house uses classical detailing in the temple style. The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.
William R. Wolf Residence
522 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Waseca, MN
Architecture: Queen Anne Style
Year Built: 1895
This house was built by a railroad man and was purchased by William R. Wolf. Wolf partnered with his brother-in-law, Henry Habein, to operate Wolf & Habein Department Store & Grocery in Waseca. William’s son, Allen Wolf, was born in this house, worked for his father’s business and continued to live in the house with his wife, Adele until 1999. In the summer of 2000, the house was sold at auction and renovated to become a Bed & Breakfast. It is the best example of Queen Anne-style architecture in the city of Waseca. The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.
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City of Waseca Preservation Commission
Waseca Heritage Preservation Commission – Heritage Preservation activities include review of exterior alterations to Locally Designated or National Register properties and properties participating in the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation Program and the Downtown Residential Rental Rehabilitation Program; establishing, reviewing and making recommendations on heritage preservation goals and objectives in the Comprehensive Plan; conducting studies and developing plans and guidelines related to preservation activities; educating the public about the importance of preservation; and procuring grant funds to undertake preservation related activities.