Join us for Volunteer Opportunities at Waseca County Historical Society!
Engage with artifacts, curate exhibits, lead tours, support programs. All ages and backgrounds welcome. Contact us to learn more and get involved. Uncover, celebrate, and preserve Waseca County's history!
Sign up today with the form below!
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A part-time staff needs volunteers. How can you help?
Some of our most devoted members and volunteers are all ages, from teen-agers to 90-somethings! There are all kinds of tasks, projects and work to be done as we fulfill our mission every day at the Waseca County History Center. If you have an hour or two, if you have some special skills, talents or ideas to share; or if you just want to help with an event or program, let us know. Fill out the volunteer application below and we’ll match you up with one or more of history’s possibilities. You never know unless we start the conversation!
Would you like to learn how we archive?
Would you enjoy interviewing and recording an oral history?
Can you draw, write, research, sew, act, sing, play music?
Could you help us decorate for a garden show or a holiday party?
Could you assist with a restoration project?