Make your donation today.

*Bring historical exhibits to our community

*Help us to care for local artifacts

*Connect people to their ancestors and history.

*Be a part of supporting rich programming and community events

Support the Waseca County Historical Society and all it represents by donating.

From the archives that record and preserve our rich past, to educational programming, to public exhibits and events that grow our county’s community and knowledge of history, we work to bring you the best of history. Your gift will make it possible to preserve historic buildings, including our Museum, the Research Library, Hofmann Apiaries, and Hodgson Hall’s wonderful exhibits. When you donate, school kids learn about history, we’re empowered to protect antique artifacts, and you even touch our frequent visitors who wander in, wondering if they have family they could connect with.

EIN: 41-0966847

MN Tax Exempt: 5308730

Impact Stories

Stories from our exceptional staff.


  • As a member of the Minnesota Historical Society, we do not receive any funding for operations from MHS or the state. In fact, WCHS pays MHS an annual fee as an organizational member.

  • Most grant resources do not fund operations, except some staff time managing a specific project or event.

  • Grants are not easy to get. They require a great deal of staff time to research, gather information, estimates and write narratives. Grant approval cannot be assumed. A great deal of time can be spent on a grant request that is not approved.

  • Nonprofits cannot be professionally managed and accountable with volunteers only. Though this is done in the creation of many nonprofits to get going, it requires a paid staff to be the mainstay of an organization that intends to survive.

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